Thursday, October 9, 2014

Neuro Fuel Max Mood Enhancement Formula Energy Review

Name: Neuro Fuel Mood Enhancement Formula (Max variety)
Size: 12 oz.
Caffeine content: N/A
Calories: 90 calories per can

Prior to buying this drink for a review, I was pretty sure that I'd seen it before, but disregarded it because it never directly stated that it was an energy drink. Upon further inspection, I utilized my common sense and inferred that this was, in fact, an energy drink and that is was well-worth reviewing. Neuro Fuel Max is technically a "Mood Enhancement Formula", and upon even further inspection of the can, I understood its unusual labeling. The top of this drink's can states that it's "EBT Approved", which basically means that you can purchase it with food stamps. Energy drinks, like alcohol and ornamental gourds, can't be purchased with food stamps. By calling this a "Mood Enhancement Formula", I'm pretty sure Neuro Fuel is avoiding this rule. Rather than with food stamps, I purchased this with a bunch of quarters that I had in my car and paid $1.38 for it, tax included.

Neuro Fuel Max's can isn't anything special, but does what it's supposed to do. I like the all-black color scheme, as well as the information regarding how good Neuro Fuel Max can potentially make you feel on the back of the can. It doesn't look extremely high-budget, but for $1.38, I wasn't expecting anything unbelievably astounding in terms of a can design anyway. The 12 oz. size of the can is nice enough, and I was, all in all, pleased with the design of this can and didn't find it hard to look at during the 3 minutes that it took me consume this drink.

I was definitely in the mood for an energy drink when I had this, and when I cracked it open, I was more than pleased with the scent of the drink. It has a tart, citrus smell and taste, and is pretty drinkable and tasty. It does, however, have a slight Flintstone's vitamin-like aftertaste that I didn't find extremely repulsive, but wished wasn't there. This drink essentially tasted good, but would have tasted better if there was no weird aftertaste to coat your mouth after drinking it. I think most people would like this, somewhat-strange aftertaste aside. As I said, I drank it quite quickly and the aftertaste, to me, was easily ignored alongside the delicious and satisfying taste of this drink.

Another clue that this was an energy drink was found in the list of ingredients on the back of the can. It includes typical energy drink ingredients like caffeine, taurine, niacin, a lot of vitamins, and, obviously, was intended to provide a decent amount of energy. I was totally satisfied with the quick onset, satisfactory strength, and reasonable duration of the energizing effect that this drink provided. My mood was "enhanced", to say the least, and I can safely say that this drink fell far from flat.

I would say that this drink was well-worth the $1.38 that I paid for it. I wasn't really disappointed at all, and only found one flaw with the drink in the form of it's aftertaste. If you can find it, I totally recommend trying it out for something new, pretty tasty, and undoubtedly effective. If your mood could use some enhancing for under $2, give this drink a try.

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