Thursday, October 9, 2014

NOS Zero Energy Review

Name: NOS Zero
Size: 16 oz.
Caffeine content: 160 mg. per can
Calories: 0 calories per can

When I had this drink, it had actually been quite a while since I’d had a NOS drink of any kind. I think I’ve had just about every drink that they make at least once, but don’t usually buy them due to the fact that I’m usually looking for something new to me or cheaper. NOS drinks aren’t very expensive, but my stinginess usually means that I have to look for something satisfying in the $1-$2 range. It only makes sense that NOS would make a “zero” drink, as their original drink is one of the most popular energy drinks of all time. I had high expectations for this, and was also hopeful that it would still be good and still provide the great energy that NOS drinks are known for. This drink is somewhat common, as I see it in about 50% of the stores around me that sell NOS.

If you’re looking for this drink in your local store’s NOS cooler, keep your eyes open for the grey can. Grey wouldn’t be personal first choice for this drink, as it looks kind of bland and doesn’t do much, in my opinion, to make the drink still seem appealing despite being a “zero” drink. NOS’ line utilizes quite a few colors of the rainbow, but they could have used a color that they don’t already, such as yellow, as the primary color for this can. I’m no expert, though, and honestly didn’t find the design of this can very unappealing at all. It’s still very well put-together, and obviously features the same NOS design that has always been one of my favorites. As I said, just keep your eyes open for the grey can, and you should be able to find this. As this is a “zero” drink, I felt that the taste and energy that this drink would provide would be more important for a review than its can.

NOS Zero is a lot like Monster’s Absolutely Zero in regards to taste. I mean, it obviously doesn’t taste like Monster Absolutely Zero, but the way that it compares to its original flavor is pretty much exactly the same. It’s very close to the original NOS, but has a slightly different aftertaste and naturally doesn’t taste quite the same as the original. Still, it was really satisfying and wasn’t hard to drink at all. If you enjoy NOS and decide to lose weight, I don’t think you’ll have a problem switching over to the taste of this drink as it’s still really, really tasty. For those that don’t know, NOS basically tastes like the ultimate citrus energy drink and if you don’t like strong, citrus flavor, don’t drink this.

At the time that I reviewed the other NOS drinks that are on this website, their caffeine content had not yet changed to what it is now. NOS drinks used to contain 260 mg of caffeine per 16 oz. Now, however, they contain 160 mg of caffeine per 16 oz alongside the rest of the ingredients in NOS’ energy blend. NOS drinks were notorious for their great energy, but despite the change I still feel that 160 mg is a decent number. If they had decreased the amount to anything less than 140 mg though, I’d probably be disappointed. I was pretty sure that I’d receive energy from this, but was still somewhat disappointed that the caffeine content had shrunk. Nonetheless, despite containing no sugar, this drink still provided a nice energy buzz that really woke me up when I drank it in the evening. I had no complaints with the energy whatsoever, aside from it not being as strong as it once was. For a “zero” drink, this drink delivered a really nice energy buzz that was definitely on par with the normal NOS that I have also had since they decreased their caffeine content.

If you like NOS and are looking for a “zero” energy drink, you can’t go wrong with this. The difference in taste is pretty subtle, the energy is satisfying, and it’s a pretty nice drink in general. NOS Zero tastes good, fits in nicely with the rest of the NOS line, and is well-worth trying if it’s the type of the drink that you’re looking for!

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