Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monster Mixxd Energy Review

According to some people Monster drinks are overrated, they're not really bad but people make them seem a lot better then they really are. Anyway, I picked up this drink since I'd never tried it before and because I wanted an energy drink. The can design is just about the same as the other "Energy+Juice" varieties of Monster, but the M on the front of the can is purple. I always like to laugh at the descriptions on the back of Monster cans, too bad this one isn't as ridiculous as some other varieties. They claim this drink is all of their extra flavors thrown together and they also have no idea how it works "so damned fast". Well, let's find out how it tastes and if it actually works "so damned fast"

The Can: 
Like I said, Mixxd's can is pretty much the same as the rest of Monster's "Energy+Juice" cans but the M is purple. The description on the back of the can says that it's a mixed flavor but the M on the front immediately makes you think it's grape. It's a really nice looking can and I do like Monster's more dark approach they take with their products. I do agree with Monster being somewhat overrated but that doesn't mean they make horrible drinks.

The Drink:
The taste of Mixxd is kind of indescribable (I think it says that on the back of the can too actually), it's really just your average grape flavor that tastes similiar to a lot of other grape energy drinks. If you're going to drink it, just expect a grape flavor because that's really all there is to it. It's fairly comparable to grape soda but the grape flavor isn't nearly as prominent.

The Buzz:
As for the energy buzz, it does what it's supposed to do. I've had stronger and I've had weaker, but it's not too bad. It's the standard Monster blend so if you've had any Monster drinks before then you should know what to expect.

If you like grape flavors and want to pay close to $3 for this can of Monster, go ahead. It's an alright tasting drink that provides an above average buzz but I don't think it's going to become a drink that I buy on a regular basis.

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