Friday, November 28, 2014

Shockwave Energy Drink Review

Name: Shockwave
Size: 16 fl. oz.
Caffeine content: N/A
Energy blend: Caffeine, Taurine, Inositol, CoQ10
No website available

Shockwave is sold exclusively at Speedway gas stations. So, if you've never heard of or been to a Speedway gas station, then you're probably out of luck with finding this drink. There's actually only one Speedway near me, and it was appropriately where I found this drink alongside Shockwave's other flavors. I decided to try their original flavor first, and paid less than the average energy drink for it.


Shockwave's can is blue, black, and "metallic"-looking. I think Shockwave's design is supposed to play off of the fact that this drink is named Shockwave due to its "waves" and logo that are as shockwave-y as they should be. The overall design isn't clearly inspired by another energy drink, and in realistically viewing this drink for what it's worth, it looks pretty good. I haven't tried any of Shockwave's other flavors yet, but they actually caught my eye before their original can did.


Shockwave's flavor didn't surprise me whatsoever. I almost want to say that it's a "generic" energy drink taste, but it isn't. Still, I can't help but feel that I've tasted this drink before. Shockwave has a slightly-gummy, citrus-y taste that wasn't undrinkable at all. To the average energy drink consumer that walks into Speedway and decides to try this, I feel that it'll taste alright. Still, don't expect anything too revolutionary or new with this drink's taste.


One of Shockwave's biggest selling points is the fact that it contains CoQ10. CoQ10 is an antioxidant that provides energy, but the addition of CoQ10 to an energy drink won't make it outstanding or unbelievably intense. Thankfully, this drink also contains 66 grams of sugar, which can help in perking you up a little bit. The caffeine content isn't listed, but the energy blend also contains other typical ingredients such as Taurine and Inositol.

Shockwave definitely gave me some energy, and while it wasn't anything overbearing, it was still alright and basically what I was expecting from this drink. I don't think anyone will drink this and be blown away, but will instead receive what they were already expecting after looking at and tasting this drink.

Is this drink worth trying? Yeah, as long as you can get to a Speedway.


  1. The Shockwave Blue Rush is the one with the really great bubble gum flavor. I would buy it just for the taste, even if it wasn't an energy drink. The one you reviewed has that generic energy drink taste, as you said.

    1. I agree, blue rush is the best tasting energy drink on the market. I love it! DJ

  2. I actually like this energy drink. I buy the sugar free version of this which, I feel, has a better flavor. I usually don't buy them for the energy, but for the flavor. I would never buy just a single can cause you'll pay more. When these first came out, my Speedway had them 2 for $2 or $1.99 per can. Why in the world would you buy 1 for $1.99 when you could get 2 for $2? Unfortunately they've raised the price a little bit and they're 2 for $2.50 now, however, I feel it's still worth it and I buy these on a regular basis. Not a bad drink for the price.


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