Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Roaring Lion Au Natural Energy Review

When I hear the term "all natural", I realize that it's kind of vague. Nonetheless, it sounds pretty cool behind an energy drink. I've had well over 100 different energy drinks at this point and I will admit that most are far from a healthy thing to consume. There have been exceptions, but they are few and far between and have more often than not not turned out being very good. Roaring Lion's new Au Natural variety is also a new drink in a bottle much like their Zero variety. I was interested to see what an "all natural" energy drink would taste like. I was hoping that it wouldn't taste like grass or trees or something because for some reason that's what I think of when I hear "all natural".

The Bottle:
I really, really like this bottle. It definitely has the right look to it. It has kind of an "icy" look to it also and the subtle blue looks good. Both this drink and the Zero drink which I reviewed previously look like the Roaring Lion brand but kind of grown up in the sense that they're more intricate designs. Again, the claw-marks on this bottle are more noticeable and it just all in all looks really cool. The bottle is a really nice idea, when drinking this I did find myself screwing the lid back on and setting the drink down to get clothes out of the dryer or to change the song I was listening to, all very important parts of my extremely busy lifestyle.

The Taste:
This is where the drink shines. It's hard to describe what you would imagine an "all natural" energy drink tasting like so I just kind of had to open it and drink it and hope for the best. Basically, this tastes just like regular Roaring Lion but SO much smoother and more "crisp" tasting. This drink is delicious and for someone that likes a good "energy drink taste", great. I really loved this and found no problems with it from the taste, texture, and drinkability. It really does taste all natural somehow, I can't really describe but I will say that it tastes exceptional.

The Buzz:
As with all of the several Roaring Lion drinks I've previously reviewed, this drink packs quite the nice buzz too. Both of the bottles that I had of this stuff had me alert and going for quite a while. The bottles are also nice in that you could drink half the bottle, reap the benefits, and then drink the rest and feel the rest. I like the buzz that these drinks provide, I find that they are great early morning energy drinks to get you alert and in a good mood or really just good to drink anytime you want to feel those effects.

Naturally (heh), I didn't know what to expect from this drink but I will say that I was very satisfied with this once I tried. I liked it a lot, and can't find much to complain about with it. The taste truly shines here, it tastes delicious and I recommend that you pick up and bottle for yourself and give it a try at your earliest convenience.

1 comment:

  1. Great review, Matt! I've been lucky enough to try RL Au Natural as well and was equally impressed. I like a "traditional" energy drink flavor and the ability to have one with natural sugar as opposed to HFCS really appeals to me. I prefer the old minimalist RL bottle designs, but flavor and buzz is what I'm buying it for, not looks. Once I can find this in every store, it will be my go-to.



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