Saturday, March 3, 2012

Red Rain Hydroplane Energy Review

It's blatantly obvious that Red Rain is just a Red Bull clone, so I found it interesting that they actually have a few other flavors which I of course found at the Dollar Tree. Hydroplane is one of them, and the name of the drink alone is pretty strange. I have no idea what a "Hydroplane" is, or how it pertains to the poorly marketed energy drinks that eventually end up on the shelves of the Dollar Tree in "scenic" Salem, Ohio. Also, "Red Rain Hydroplane" is sort of a funny name all together. When reading the can you find that the drink is a Pomegranate flavor which is why the can is purple. But, it's kind of stupid to have a purple can on a drink called Red Rain. Anyway, let's see if this drink is worth the $1 I payed for it or if it's just another drink that should stay on the shelf at the Dollar Tree.

The Can:
This drink's can is somewhat confusing, the color scheme altogether seems to remind me of a Pop-Tart or something. It honestly doesn't look that bad, and the biggest flaw I can find with it is the font they used for the word "Hydroplane". In my opinion in doesn't fit at all and just looks out of place. This drink boasts "Mental Clarity & Focus", something I think some of the people at the Dollar Tree could possibly use.  The bottom of the front of the can is also a bit busy with all of the somewhat useless information. I feel that this can is about halfway between a nice simple design and a design that's far too cluttered. All in all, you pretty much get what you would expect for only $1.

The Drink:
I made sure to let my can sit in the fridge for awhile so that it would actually be cold, and when I took it out I was kind of looking forward to trying it. Upon opening it and taking a sip, I have to say that I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. The flavor is in fact Pomegranate, and a "Berry Pomegranate" to be exact. It's sort of light, crisp flavor to me and I guess it's not as thick as you might think a Pomegranate flavored drink would taste if you've never had one. It drink was pretty easy to drink, and I was impressed with it. I do applaud Red Rain for putting out a drink that's as good as this, I actually really enjoyed it.

The Buzz:
The back of this drinks' can says that it contains 142 mg of Caffeine. Of course, it also contains Taurine, Niacin, and the usual B Vitamins found in energy drinks. I drank this in the afternoon, and I felt much more awake through the afternoon and evening but didn't really have trouble going to sleep at night. The buzz this drink provided was fairly noticeable in my opinion, it wasn't amazing by any means but it did work. The buzz lasted for about 3 1/2 hours, and I didn't "crash", of course.

This drink really isn't that bad for only $1, you might as well pick it up if you see it at the Dollar Tree. Still, make sure you put it in the fridge for awhile because I'm sure that this drink would taste pretty syrupy and gross if it weren't cold.


  1. I also found mine in my local dollar tree store; Got to say made me hydroplane for a while. I agree with the logo, could e better, but hope ti doesn't blow up like Redbull, so i may keep getting it for the awesome price! Big can(2 serv) great light crisp taste, woke me uup..awesome! i'll drink a good cheap energy drink out of a shitty can any day.

  2. I bought one at Dollar Tree also, in a 33.8 ounce gray, plastic bottle. Taste much better than I expected it to, its actually pretty good. As far as a "buzz" is concerned....I really cant tell a difference....but, I have yet to drink ANY energy drink,(red bull, 5 hour energy, monster, etc.etc.)that has given me a buzz or jolt of energy. I have tried many energy drinks, and Red Rain Hydroplane is one of the best tasting ones on the market(in my opinion)


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