Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rockstar Coconut Water Energy Review

It was about  year ago, give or take a few months, that the "hydrating energy drink" craze took off. There were healthy energy drinks long before then, but it was around that time that brands like Rockstar and Monster started putting out these drinks. So, when I saw this drink in the cooler at a Marc's grocery store I had to pick it up without even looking at it. I almost instinctively walked up to the cooler, opened it, took the drink out, and bought it. I didn't give much thought into what it was, except for that it was a new Rockstar drink to review. I soon noted that it was a coconut water beverage. Coconut water has also been a craze lately, last Summer someone I know had VitaCoco, a coconut water drink and told me that it was disgusting. Still, this drink is made by Rockstar which is one of my favorite commercial energy drink companies, so how bad could it be?

The Can:
I like the shade of blue used in this can, it looks alright with the secondary black color and overall works. It isn't the best looking can, but it's pleasing to the eye and definitely tells you that this is a coconut water drink, not some hardcore, caffeine-packed drink that you'll be seeing on the news sometime soon. I have no real complaints with the can, the original Rockstar drink's can design will always be my favorite though. The can contains all of your typical energy drink info, which are all things I've seen many, mnay times before.

The Drink:
The only time I've had coconut prior to this was drink was in candy, and I've never really cared for it. So, upon cracking open this drink I wasn't expecting much. Good thing, because this is the second disgusting energy drink I've tasted this month. Two other people had this with me, and we all agreed that it was sickening. This drink is truly stomach-turning, the taste stays in your mouth too. It's just gross, it sticks to your throat and roof of your mouth and tastes like bitter milk laced with caffeine, and then topped off with hand lotion. I can safely say that I won't be a part of the coconut water craze, as this stuff tastes awful. I don't care if celebrities drink coconut water, if this is what it takes then I'll gladly stick to my soda-flavored energy drinks and Funyuns. Man, I love funyuns.

The Buzz:
This drink's energy blend contains 1.15 grams. It contains 1000mg of Taurine, 80mg of Caffeine, 50mg of Panax Ginseng Extract and 20mg of Milk Thistle Extract. To be honest, I did feel more awake after drinking this and I really would've been disappointed if this drink provided no energy. I expected energy from this though, as Rockstar drinks have never really let me down in that department. The buzz lasted for a solid 3 hours or so, and got me through the rest of my shopping trip.

This drink will wake you up, but I don't think the average person could ever choke this down. It's dangerously close to not being drinkable, so I have to advise you to stay away from this drink. Even if you "like" coconut water, stop fooling yourself and actually drink something that doesn't taste like liquid death.


  1. Thanks for the comprehensive review.

    Despite what the can implies, this drink isn't coconut water, it's energy drink WITH coconut water. Also, it probably doesn't hydrate very well as caffeine is a diuretic and will cause your kidneys to eliminate water from the body. They're just riding the coconut water train to get sales.


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